Page Two of Photos from the National Quartet
and Gospel Music Convention...
With Tracy Stuffle of the Perry's. (It's always a joy to be with the Perry's--Libbi and Tracy are wonderful folks and we've enjoyed ministering at the same meetings with them (and Randy Perry) through the years.)
With two very special people...Paul Boden and Donna Rogers, Publisher and Editor of the U.S. Gospel News---The #1 Southern Gospel Newspaper in the world! They've been such a blessing to us down through the years and we so appreciate them! (To read some of the Articles they have printed about us, Click here!!)
With a very special lady and dear friend, Sandi Duncan Clark. Sandi is a renowned Christian Columnist and Writer for several Gospel Music Magazines and Websites. Her friendship through the years is a treasure we cherish.
(Scoot Shelnut, David Robinson, Robin, Randy Shelnut Sr, Kim)
With some of the Dixie Echoes
Robin and Kim at their Booth
Robin and Kim visiting with Radio DJ Mildred Drake from Kentucky. She shared with us how her station has been charting our songs and we so appreciate her and the great work she's doing for the Lord! Listeners, keep those calls coming for our music!
With our dear friends, Jim and Bonnie Broomall of Delaware. We used to live in Delaware and we always got to see the newest equipment cases before everyone else and we even helped design a few
Robin and Kim with the Programming and Network Directors of Gospel Music Television. They came by our booth to set up a TV Interview with us for GMT and got a copy of our new "One More Soul" Video/DVD for airplay on their network. Thanks GMT--we so appreciate you!!
Posing for a picture after the Gospel Music Television Interview.
Kim and Mary, a longtime family friend from Missouri. (She and her family
attended Dad's
Revivals way back in the 1970's.)
Kim and Robin pause for a photo at their booth.
Kim working hard around midnight tearing down the booth.
Robin working hard too--packing up to leave and on to the next Concert! See you there!
(Go to NQC Page One on the Photos Page for more NQC Pictures!!)
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